Monday, January 21, 2013


assalamualaikum kekawan..

gud monink :) for all my frenz,let allah give u BAROKAH..
start ur day with bismillahirahmanirahim...

just to reduce the think in my mind.. sometime when we lose someOne/something will make us  am i.. depressed loOse someOne i love/care/hope.. when he try to move far from me,i feel die.. HOW?? what is the solution?? how i want to forget him?! The answer is set your mind.. Allah always with us.. how matter u ur?? what ur status!! Allah always with us.. Don't worry.. U UR NOT SINGLE.. still engaged with ALLAH S.W.T..  so sweet!! Allah not leave us like ur BF/GF leave u.. those tested MEANS Allah S.W.T love u!! Allah care/love u,that why Allah test u... so why u babling.. 

so now i want to share 1 DOA' to make u forget someOne..


** if u always think about the person put palm on ur chest or head.. pray the doa'held ur handas much as possible..then did like throw something..insya Allah!!"

sometime we can't held strongly COZ if fate say fall it will fall..
so am i.. i lose the person that care me...
the person make me happy,make me smile even he did anything to me,brake heart..
lose him,make me feel losing something that important..

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

sabar separuh iman...

haish!! dunno what to say..
sometime i dun want to think this stupid story stupid thinking about all of u..
all of u make me dizzy...
sabar teh!! sabar!!!
Allah tuh sentiasa ngn kite walau ape pon yg terjadey..
bia lha org nk ckap pew pon ngn kite...
who's know ur fate??
dunno what will happen right>??

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

hi mummy...


title today is miss my mum..
mum i know im wrong..i'm bad..i'm stuborn..but i can't loss u from my mind..
what ever i did i still remind ur say..
but i'm still do the thing...
still go the place even u say "adikk..jgn masuk tempat bukan2..igt mak pesan kt adik..kite kt tempat org..bukan  apa..satgi kalau org nmpak adik org kata pa..mmg mak tak nmpak tpy Allah nmpak dik..duk tempat org jgn buang tudung..rambut jgn lak karat2 takut t mati haa??"
i'm so sorry..
p/s:: sharifah salleh::
 mak adik minta maaf klaw adik degil..adik keras kepala..mak,adik nk peluk mak..adik nk minta maaf..ape mak pesan semua adik langgar..nk jdi ape pon adik tataw mak..hurm..mak..adik takout mak jdi ape2 kt mekah..mak kt mekah adik kt MALAYSIA nie dah mcm ank setan daa..hurm..adik akn blik uma bila adik ad kejew tetap..adik da berubah..adik takot mak jdey ape2 kt sne sbb salah adik..hurm..adik thu mse adik kua umah mak nagis sbb tak nk anak mak nieyh rosak,jhanam dan musnah..ape mak rse mmg btoi..apew mak kate mmg btoi..ape kite nk tak semestinye kite dpat..ape yg kite keja ta semestinye indah..skrg adik da tade ape2..umah?? sedara?? hurm..diowg tggal adik mak..dowg tinggal adik saat2 mcm nieyh..blah dri umah mcm tuh jew..hbis adik>?? tu pon adik bodoh..tataw nk hargai mak..adik mintak maaf maakkk!!!!!

Saturday, March 10, 2012


this title i dedicate to my beloved mum...
almost 3 month i stay here...without u mum..without ur voice...without ur babling..hah!!.. i really miss u..not because adik never call mummy,adik dont love u...adik rindu mummy...mummy every second of my life for u..every minute of my mind is thinking bout u...mummy, everyday i cry of u..think what have i done..leave u without nothing..without note..i know u cry because of me..i'm so sorry...
now i know without i'm nothing...
without u i will not be a human...
i can't expain my feeling to u mummy...
if i can call doraemon come to return the time i will do...
because i want u beside me...
i want u touch me at night before i sleep...
i want u feel what i feel...
i want to share story with u...

life without u...everything is suck...
without u babling...without ur watch..without ur touch...

the word that i want to say is...
i really love u...i really miss u...
if i have a wing i will fly to u mum...
to have look u mum...
to kiss ur cheek...
and cry because i really miss u...


Tuesday, March 6, 2012


dear adam...
i'm sorry for everything i done...
i know i'm so stupid last 4 years,ta pernah nk hargai awak...saya bersalah sgt awak...
hidup saya sentiasa dalam byang2 awak...
tah la...mungkin dosa saya pde awk..
mungkin kesalahan saya kpd awak sbb menghancurkn hatey awak...
memang dua tiga mggu nieyh title saya adalah awak adam...

saya tinggal awak sbb rupa,dan saya ta hargai ape yg pernah awak lakukan...
saya tinggal awak sbb bodoh, dan saya ta dpt beza mna baek mna bruk...
saya tinggal awak sbb ego, dan saya ta dpt kawal perasaan bodoh saya sbb lihat awak ngn kawan awk...
saya hilang kebahagiaan yg saya sejak saya tinggal awak..
mungkin tuh blasan yg Allah bg...
tiada yg TERBAEK selain awk...
tiada yg JUJUR selain awk...
tiada yg IKLAS selain awk..
betapa bodohnyer saya melepaskn permata yg bersinar didalam hati saya..
betapa bangangnyer saya menghancurkan hatey awak...
saya minta maaf awak...


Sunday, March 4, 2012

went i think what i have done...

i feel guilty went i think what have i done..i break their heart..break their feel..went i see his picture i feel very guilty...what have i done to him..he happy with his partner..and i??? nothing to proud...lose in my world...what i have done its back to me...i know i'm wrong..break your  heart easy..break your feel..betray with you..i play your feel like i play a game..what the hell i have done to you?? simply done to you..i dream all about a**m every moment..why?? a**m you always in my mind dont know why... maybe i feel guilty with you..very2 guilty..twicely i done too you..what i done i remember..i'm very sorry i don't want my heart break..i got what have i done...

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

looking for you for a few day...

just to share what have happen around a few day...

* as daughter...i need a little love from my fleshblood mum..but did'nt get that...i lose everything during my birthday.. i miss my mum...sharifah binti salleh..
P/s: letter for u mum...

mak..adik rindu mak..adik rindu kasih sayang mak..even mak marah mak ta pernah nk buang kasih sayang kt adik...mak tetap bg..mak adik sedar spe adk skrg..adik ego ngn diri adik..ikut perasaan adik..andai adik leyh putar masa yg adik tinggal mak...ta kan adik rse susah terpinggir mengharap kasih sayang sejati seorang ibu..
mak ta pernah kekok syg adik..even mak thu adik degil..even mak thu adik g KL sbb ape...mak adik minta maaf...mak adik ta pernah rasa kurang kasih sayang dari seorang ibu..adik ta pernah rase terpinngir disingkir..
mak...adik sedih...apa yg adik nk ta pernah dpt..adik sering disalahkan..adik dering dipinggir..adik thu mak..ape yg adik nk adalah mak...

thank you mum!!! miss u alot..